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A PV design framework


Customized calculator

Virto.CORE is an advanced white-label PV design framework to build customized web applications for mounting system manufacturers and wholesale to automate the solar design and engineering process.

We support the growth of your solar business


Save time and cost in-house engineering by offering a valuable solar calculator with instant results to your clients.

Virto.CORE is a performant 3D editor with customized branding and unlimited projects.

Reliable ballast and bill of materials calculations, which have been extensively tested by our engineers.

A single point of contact guides you trough the development and support of your application.

Increase your brand recognition and turn generated leads into loyal clients.


Easy 3D modeling of buildings

Automated module layout design

Manage and customize thermal break positions

Ballast calculations from wind tunnel data

Verification of strength under static loads

Automatic Eurocode calculations

Calculations of bill of materials

Insightful reports in PDF and CSV

Synchronize with CRM and ERP systems

Share your projects

Use Google Maps and image underlays





3D Building Creations

Virto.CORE contains tools to easily create buildings in 3D automatically without any prior 3D knowledge.

Choose from a selection of flat and sloped roof types and add obstacles, all just in a flew clicks.

Eurocode calculations

The Virto.CORE framework determines wind and snow loads automatically based on any loocation in Europe taking country specifics into accounts. 


Module layout design with shadow simulation

The framework offers more than 10K pre configured solar modules. In case the type of solar module you  need for your project is not available, it is possible to enter the data of a solar module yourself.

Generate and modify solar module layouts. Optimize the placement of modules based on shadow patterns.

Bill of Materials

Virto.CORE calculates all required items and quantities needed for your solar project in a bill of materials. You can export your projects inputs and outputs to a clear PDF report.

Generate report in pdf / csv

Virto.CORE provides customizable PDF reports containing all project details : environment setting, location, solar panel and mounting system included in the project, building plans, BOM, strength verification, ballast, point load -plans. 

Get started

Excited to start designing your solar project?

Want to know more about what Virto.CORE can do for you and your company?

 Contact us a for a custom quote or schedule a meeting for more info.

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